Exercice dos


Back exercise: our selection for a sculpted back

Reading time : 10 min

Do you want a muscular and well-sculpted back? This article is made for you. Discover the best exercises to strengthen your back effectively.


We present equipment and bodyweight movements for all levels. Learn how to incorporate these exercises into your routine and follow our safety tips.


Ready to transform your back? Read our complete guide to achieve visible and lasting results. Don't miss these tips to optimize your weight training sessions.


The importance of the back muscles

Why strengthen your back?

Imagine lifting a shopping bag effortlessly, or sitting for a long time without feeling pain. A strong back is the key to a more comfortable and active life. Strengthening your back muscles isn't just about aesthetics, although that is a nice bonus. It is above all a question of daily health and well-being.

The statistics speak for themselves: approximately 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. It's huge, isn't it? And often, these problems could be avoided with good prevention. Strengthening your back helps maintain correct posture, prevent injuries and reduce chronic pain.

The impact of HIIT on back strengthening

HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is not only effective for burning calories. It is also excellent for strengthening the back muscles. Imagine a session where you alternate between intense exercise and periods of short rest. This method stimulates muscle growth and improves overall strength.

Let's take a concrete example: start with 15-minute sessions, including exercises like burpees, pull-ups and planks. Gradually increase the intensity and duration. In just a few weeks, you will see a noticeable improvement in your back strength and endurance.

Analysis of the best back exercises

Exercises with equipment

Bar row for a broad back

The barre row is essential for developing the width and thickness of the back. This exercise mainly uses the muscles of the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and trapezius. To properly perform this movement, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grip a barbell with an overhand grip (palms down). Bend your knees slightly, lean forward while keeping your back straight, then pull the bar toward your navel while squeezing your shoulder blades. Slowly return to the starting position. This movement, repeated regularly, will help you obtain a broad and powerful back.

The horizontal pulley pull, an effective classic

The horizontal pull on the pulley or the back rower is one of the most popular and effective exercises for targeting the back muscles. It allows you to work the latissimus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboids with a wide range of movement. To perform it, sit on the machine with your feet firmly planted, grasp the bar with a neutral or overhand grip, and pull it toward your abdomen while keeping your back straight. Contract your back muscles by pulling, then slowly release. This movement must be fluid and controlled to maximize efficiency and avoid injury.

The seated pullover machine to target the lats

The seated pullover machine is perfect for isolating the latissimus dorsi muscles. This exercise is practiced in a seated position on a specific machine. Grasp the handles with a neutral grip, then pull them down, keeping your arms slightly bent. The movement should be slow and controlled, with emphasis on contracting the back muscles. This exercise is excellent for stretching and strengthening the back muscles in isolation, making it an ideal complement to other more complex exercises.

Bodyweight exercises

Pull-ups, a must

Pull-ups are undoubtedly one of the most complete exercises for the back. They mainly use the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, biceps and forearms. To perform them, hang from a fixed bar with a pronated (palms facing forward) or supinated (palms facing you) grip. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, then slowly lower yourself back down. Pull-ups are a great indicator of overall strength and are essential in any back strengthening routine.

Muscle-up, for the most advanced

The muscle-up is an advanced exercise that combines a pull-up and a dip into one explosive movement. It works the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms and trunk. To perform it, start with an explosive pull-up to bring your chest above the bar, then follow up by tilting your torso above the bar and pushing up like a dip. This exercise requires great strength and excellent coordination. It is ideal for those looking to push their limits and improve their functional strength.

Un femme fait un exercice dos

Practical guide to back exercises

How to integrate back exercises into your routine?

To achieve optimal results, it is crucial to plan your workouts well and integrate back exercises in a balanced way into your routine. Here is an example of planning over a week:

  • Monday: Overall strength training session with emphasis on the back (bar row, horizontal pulley pull)
  • Tuesday: Light cardio or active rest
  • Wednesday: HIIT workout incorporating back exercises (burpees, pull-ups)
  • Thursday: Session focused on upper body, including seated pullover machine
  • Friday: Rest or yoga to stretch the back muscles
  • Saturday: Strength training session with focus on the legs and bodyweight exercises for the back (pull-ups, muscle-ups)
  • Sunday: Rest or light activity (walking, swimming)

This distribution allows you to work the back muscles at different angles and intensities, while allowing rest days necessary for recovery and muscle growth.

Tips for execution and safety

Technique and posture are essential to avoiding injury and maximizing the effectiveness of back exercises. Here are some tips to ensure perfect execution:

  • Maintain a neutral posture: Always keep your back and spine straight, shoulders back and abdominals contracted.
  • Avoid sudden movements: Control each repetition, especially during the descent phases.
  • Don't overload: Choose weights appropriate for your strength level and increase gradually.
  • Breathe correctly: Inhale while preparing for the movement and exhale while performing the effort.
  • Use accessories if necessary: Positioning belts, gloves or straps can provide additional support.
  • Finally, listen to your body. If you experience sharp or unusual pain, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

Variety of exercises for all levels

Exercises for beginners

Lumbar extensions to start gently

Lumbar extensions are perfect for beginners. They strengthen the erector spinae muscles, essential for maintaining good posture. To perform them, lie down on a lumbar extension bench, with your hips supported and your feet secured under the supports. Cross your arms across your chest or place your hands behind your head. Slowly lower your upper body toward the floor, then rise back up, contracting your lower back muscles. This movement must be controlled and smooth to avoid excessive tension.

The bird dog, a stabilization exercise

The bird dog is an excellent exercise to improve core stability and strengthen the back muscles. Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Simultaneously extend your right arm and left leg until they are in line with your body. Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat with the left arm and right leg. This exercise helps improve coordination and stability, two crucial elements for a strong back.

Exercises for intermediates

The deadlift, a basic to master

The deadlift is a fundamental exercise for strengthening the entire back, as well as the legs and core. To perform it, place a bar on the ground in front of you. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Grip the bar with an overhand or mixed grip, hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your hips and knees to lower your body, then push through your heels to lift the bar, keeping your back straight and your abs tight. Slowly return to the starting position. The deadlift is a great exercise for building overall strength and muscle mass.

One-arm dumbbell row for asymmetry

The one-arm dumbbell row is ideal for correcting muscular imbalances and targeting each side of the back independently. Place one knee and one hand on a bench, the other foot on the floor, and grab a dumbbell with the other hand. Pull the dumbbell toward your hip, squeezing your shoulder blades, then slowly lower back down. Alternate sides for balanced work. This exercise improves strength and coordination while correcting asymmetries.

Exercises for advanced

The snatch-grip deadlift for intensity

The snatch-grip deadlift is a more intense variation of the classic deadlift, with a much wider grip. This position places greater strain on the upper back muscles and trapezius muscles. To perform it, grip the bar with a wide grip, feet hip-width apart. Lower yourself to grip the bar, then stand up, keeping your back straight. This variation increases the difficulty and intensity of the exercise, perfect for advanced athletes looking to push their limits.

The renegade row for coordination

The renegade row combines strength, stability and coordination. In a high plank position, with a dumbbell in each hand, pull a dumbbell toward your hip while maintaining balance on the other hand and feet. Alternate sides without letting your hips tilt. This exercise not only strengthens the back, but also the core, shoulders and arms. It's a complete challenge for those looking to improve their functional strength.

Exercice dos : une femme montre son dos


Strengthening your back is essential for better posture and to prevent pain. Varied exercises, with or without equipment, allow you to effectively target all the muscles of the back. Incorporate these movements into your routine for optimal results.

HIIT, pull-ups and deadlifts are some of the best exercises for developing a strong, resilient back. Follow good technique and be regular in your sessions to avoid injuries. Adapt your training to your level to progress without risk.

Come develop your back at DRIP

Discover DRIP! This explosive mix of HIIT and circuit training will have you sweating for 45 minutes. Be careful, your back will not be spared!

Immerse yourself in the DRIP experience: 7 bases, 3 circuit laps, 1 minute of intense effort per stage. Our dynamic coaches and their motivating playlists will take you to new heights of energy.⚡

With DRIP, every second counts to get the most out of your workout. Do the exercises without respite!

Our mission ? Pushing you to surpass yourself in a collective and fun atmosphere. Whatever your level, DRIP is your new challenge.

Get ready: push-ups are a must!

Ready for an intense adventure? Join us in Monceau or in our new studio at Grands Boulevards. You will love to hate us! ❤️‍🔥

