Comment faire un squat : une femme réalise un squat


The Complete Guide to How to Do a Squat

Reading time : 10 min

Want to know how to do a squat correctly? This article guides you step by step to master this essential bodybuilding technique. Discover the benefits and the muscles used to optimize your workouts.

Understand the importance of the squat

The squat is more than just an exercise; it improves mobility, balance and posture during your sport. We explain the variations and tips to progress effectively. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, you will find suitable advice. So, no longer wonder how to do squats. 

Benefits of squatting for muscle development and strength

The squat is a fundamental exercise in bodybuilding. It helps you develop considerable strength and build impressive muscle mass in your lower body. By regularly including squats in your routine, you effectively stimulate your muscles, promoting increased growth and power. It's a comprehensive exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making each repetition incredibly productive.

Muscles used during a squat 

The squat mainly uses the quadriceps, located at the front of the thighs, the hamstrings at the back of the thighs, and the glutes. But that's not all ! It also engages the lower back muscles, abdominals and even calves. In other words, the squat is a polyarticular movement that mobilizes the entire body, guaranteeing a complete and balanced workout.

Functional benefits of squatting 

Beyond muscle and strength gains, the squat offers significant functional benefits. It improves the hip mobility and ankles, strengthens balance and corrects posture. By performing squats, you work to stabilize your body, which reduces the risk of injury and improves your performance in other physical activities. In short, the squat is not just a strength training exercise, but a fundamental movement for an active and healthy life.

Execute the squat technique correctly


Before you begin, it is crucial to prepare properly to perform a squat safely and effectively. Here are some key points to consider:

Choosing the right shoes (flat and stable sole)

The choice of shoes is decisive. Opt for shoes with flat, stable soles. They offer better grip on the ground and optimal support for your feet. A flat sole helps distribute weight evenly, ensuring maximum stability during exercise.

Possibly use a weight belt

If you lift heavy weights, a weight belt can be helpful. It helps stabilize the trunk and protect the lower back. However, be careful not to overdo it to allow your stabilizing muscles to strengthen naturally.

Correctly position the bar on the trapezius

Place the bar correctly on your trapezius, slightly above the shoulder blades. This position helps maintain good balance and reduces stress on your shoulders and back. Make sure the bar is centered to avoid any imbalance.

Comment faire un squat : un groupe de personnes réalise un squat


To succeed in a squat, technique is essential. Here are the movements to follow:

  • Feet hip-width apart : Position your feet hip-width apart, with the toes turned slightly outward. This ensures a good base of support.
  • Back straight, look forward : Keep your back straight and engage your abs. Fix a straight point in front of you to keep your head in a neutral position.
  • Descend while keeping the weight on your heels : As you begin to descend, push your hips back while keeping the weight on your heels. This helps maintain balance and engage muscles properly.
  • Lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or lower for a “full squat”) : Continue lowering until your legs are parallel to the floor. For a “full squat,” go lower while maintaining good form.
  • Exhale while going up : As you come back up, exhale and push through your heels. Straighten your hips and knees simultaneously to return to the starting position.

By following these steps, you can perform a squat correctly, minimizing the risk of injury and maximizing the benefits of the exercise. Remember that technique takes precedence over load. Work on your form first before adding weight.

Variations of the squat

Traditional squat

How to make it

The back squat, or traditional squat, is performed with a bar placed on the trapezius. Here's how to do it correctly:

  1. Position yourself under the bar : Place the bar on your trapezius, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Grip the bar firmly : Hands slightly wider than shoulders.
  3. Go down keeping your back straight : Push hips back, knees bent, until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  4. Come back up by pushing on your heels : Exhale while returning to the initial position.

Mainly used muscles

The back squat mainly uses the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. The back muscles and abdominals also play an important stabilizing role.

Squat with barbell in front

How to make it

The front squat is done with the bar placed in front of the shoulders. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place the bar on the front of the shoulders : Elbows point forward, arms parallel to the ground.
  2. Grip the bar lightly : Hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Go down while keeping your trunk straight : Push hips back, knees bent, until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  4. Come back up by pushing on your heels : Exhale while returning to the initial position.

Squat without load

How to run it

The air squat is a no-load variation, ideal for beginners or as a warm-up. Here's how to run it:

  1. Position feet hip-width apart : Tips slightly turned outwards.
  2. Go down keeping your back straight : Push hips back, knees bent, until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. Come back up by pushing on your heels : Exhale while returning to the initial position.

Dumbbell squat

How to make it

The barbell squat is a great alternative to the back squat. Here's how to do it:

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand : Arms alongside the body, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Go down keeping your back straight : Push hips back, knees bent, until thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. Come back up by pushing on your heels : Exhale while returning to the initial position.

Each variation of the squat offers unique benefits and allows you to target the muscles differently. By varying your squats, you can diversify your training and maximize your muscle and strength gains.

Progress with the squat

Choose the right load

Progressing with the squat requires a methodical and gradual approach. Here are some tips for choosing the right load and improving your technique:

Start without weight to work on technique

Before loading the bar, it is essential to master the squat technique. Start with no weight to get comfortable with the movement. Focus on posture, balance and range of motion. A good, unloaded squat is the foundation for future progression.

Gradually increase loads and repetitions

Once you've mastered the technique, it's time to add weight gradually. Here's how to do it:

  1. Add light weights : Increase the load in small increments to avoid injury.
  2. Increase the repetitions : Once comfortable with a load, increase the number of repetitions to improve muscular endurance.
  3. Vary the series : Incorporate shorter sets with heavier loads to increase strength, and longer sets with lighter loads for endurance.

Monitoring and adjusting progress

To maximize gains, track your performance and adjust your program regularly:

  • Keep a training journal : Note the loads, repetitions and sets performed.
  • Evaluate your technique : Film your squats to spot and correct mistakes.
  • Consult a coach : If possible, seek the advice of a coach for personalized advice.

Adopt adequate nutrition and recovery

Progress with the squat does not depend solely on training. Nutrition and recovery also play a crucial role:

  • Food : Consume enough protein for muscle rebuilding and carbohydrates for energy.
  • Recovery : Give your muscles time to recover between sessions. Sleep and rest days are essential to avoid overtraining and injury.


By following these tips, you will be able to progress effectively with the squat, safely, while maximizing your gains in strength and muscle mass.

Specific benefits of squatting


The squat is an exceptional exercise for weight loss. Here's why and how it helps burn calories:

Complete exercise burning lots of calories

The squat is a polyarticular movement, which means that it uses several muscle groups simultaneously. By recruiting muscles such as the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, the squat significantly increases energy expenditure. The more muscles you engage, the more calories you burn, which helps with weightloss.

Example of a squat circuit to promote calorie expenditure

To maximize calorie expenditure, integrate squats into a training circuit:

  1. Squat with jump : 15 repetitions
  2. Burpees : 10 repetitions
  3. Squat with dumbbells : 12 repetitions
  4. Mountain climbers : 30 seconds

Repeat this circuit 3 to 5 times with a short break between each set. This type of routine increases your heart rate and optimizes calorie burning.

Glute development

Squats are particularly effective for developing the glutes. Here's how to use this exercise to maximize results:

Full amplitude to target the glutes

To effectively target the glutes, it is crucial to go down in full amplitude, that is to say until the thighs are at least parallel to the ground. Greater amplitude increases gluteal muscle activation.

Tips for a Deep and Effective Squat

  1. Hip warm-up : Before you begin, perform hip mobility exercises to improve your range of motion.
  2. Correct posture : Keep your back straight and abs engaged to avoid injury and maximize muscle activation.
  3. Use of suitable loads : Choose a load that you can safely control while reaching the desired depth.


By following these tips, you can optimize your glute development and get the most out of your squat sessions.

Comment faire un squat : une personne soulève une haltère tout en faisant un squat


The squat is a fundamental exercise for developing strength and muscle mass. By mastering the different variations, you optimize your training and your results. Following proper progression and adopting correct technique are essential to avoiding injury.

Squats work many muscles and offer specific benefits such as weight loss and glute development. They also improve mobility, balance and posture. Adapt your training according to your goals to maximize gains.

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