programme cardio maison


Home cardio program: complete guide to training at home

Reading time : 18 min

Are you looking for an effective way to workout at home? This complete guide to the home cardio program is for you. It offers you practical advice and routines adapted to all levels.

Find out how home cardio can improve your cardiovascular health, aid weight loss and boost your mental well-being. You will also learn how to assess your physical fitness and choose the right equipment.

Ready to transform your workout? Dive into this article and find the home cardio program that's right for you. Don't waste any more time, your new routine starts here!

Introduction to cardio

The importance of cardio for health

Cardio, or cardiovascular training, is essential for maintaining good overall health. It helps strengthen the heart, improves blood circulation and increases lung capacity. By doing cardio exercises regularly, you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension. In addition to these physical benefits, cardio also stimulates the release of endorphins, the happy hormones, which contribute to better mental health and a feeling of overall well-being.

programme cardio maison

Benefits of doing cardio at home

Doing cardio at home has many benefits. First of all, it saves time by avoiding trips to a gym. You can work out anytime, according to your schedule, without having to worry about opening hours. Additionally, working out at home provides a comfortable and private setting, ideal for those who prefer to avoid crowds. With a little creativity, you can use everyday objects like chairs or water bottles to vary your exercises and make your sessions more interesting. Finally, doing cardio at home is often more economical because you don't need to invest in expensive memberships or fancy equipment.

The benefits of cardio at home

Improved cardiovascular health

Doing cardio at home strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. By increasing the heart rate, these exercises train the heart to pump more efficiently, which helps prevent plaque buildup in the arteries and maintain healthy blood pressure.

Reduction of blood pressure

Regular cardio can help lower and stabilize blood pressure. Exercises such as brisk walking, jogging in place, or jumping jacks increase blood flow and flexibility of blood vessels, thereby reducing resistance and pressure on artery walls.

Improved stamina

Physical endurance improves with regular cardio sessions. By engaging your heart and lungs, you increase their ability to supply oxygen to the muscles during exercise, allowing you to extend and intensify your exercise sessions without feeling exhausted.


Weight loss and toning

Cardio is a great ally for weight loss and muscle toning. It helps burn calories and eliminate unnecessary fat while strengthening muscles.

Calorie burning

Cardio exercises are among the most effective for burning calories. A 30-minute session can burn between 200 and 400 calories, depending on the intensity of the exercise and your weight. By incorporating these sessions into your weekly routine, you can create a calorie deficit that promotes weight loss.

Muscle strengthening

In addition to burning fat, cardio also helps build muscle. Exercises like squats, slots and burpees engage major muscle groups, helping to tone and sculpt your body. Stronger muscles increase your basal metabolism, which helps you burn calories even at rest.


Mental well-being

Cardio at home not only benefits your body, but also your mind. It plays a crucial role in managing stress and improving mood.

Stress reduction

Cardio exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, the happy hormones, which act as natural antidepressants. A cardio session can help you release accumulated stress and feel more relaxed.

Improved mood

In addition to reducing stress, cardio improves your mood and overall well-being. The endorphins released during exercise provide a feeling of happiness and euphoria, helping to combat anxiety and depression. Additionally, achieving your training goals and seeing physical improvements can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

How to start a cardio program at home

Assessing your fitness level

Before starting a cardio program, it is crucial to know your fitness level. This step allows you to define realistic goals and choose the exercises adapted to your condition.

Simple tests to perform

To assess your fitness, you can perform simple tests like the six-minute walk test. Walk at a moderate speed for six minutes and record the distance covered. You can also do a squat test by counting how many squats you can do in a minute. These tests give you a baseline to measure your progress.

Tips for Beginners

If you're just starting out, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises. Opt for short sessions of 10 to 15 minutes and add 5 minutes each week. Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself to extremes from the start. Consistency is the key to avoiding injury and discouragement.

Necessary equipment

For a cardio program at home, you don't need a lot of equipment. Here's what might be helpful.

Basic equipment (mat, light dumbbells)

A floor mat is essential for floor exercises like sit-ups or stretching. Light dumbbells (1 to 5 kg) can add resistance to your exercises and help strengthen your muscles. If possible, invest in a skipping rope, an excellent accessory for cardio.

Equipment-free alternatives

If you don't want to invest in equipment, no problem! Use everyday objects like water bottles as dumbbells. The stairs in your home can be used for climbing and descending exercises. Many cardio exercises, like jumping jacks, lunges, and burpees, don't require any equipment.

Preparation and safety

Before starting each session, it is important to prepare well to avoid injuries and maximize the benefits of your training.

Warm-up and stretching

A good warm-up prepares your muscles and joints for exercise. Do 5 to 10 minutes of walking in place, arm movements and hip rotations. After your session, take the time to stretch to improve your flexibility and reduce soreness. Focus on the main muscles you worked.

Tips to Avoid Injuries

To avoid injury, be sure to maintain good posture during exercises. Keep your back straight, engage your abdominals and avoid putting too much strain on your joints. Drink enough water before, during and after your workout to stay hydrated. Finally, wear appropriate athletic shoes to support your feet and ankles.

Cardio programs for beginners

30 minute program

For beginners, a 30-minute program is ideal to start with. It is simple, effective and does not require a lot of equipment.

Example routine

  • 5 minutes of walking in place: Start by walking in place to warm up your body. Keep a moderate pace and swing your arms to engage the whole body.
  • 5 minutes of jumping jacks: Switch to jumping jacks to get your heart rate up. Make sure you jump up and spread your legs while raising your arms above your head.
  • 5 minutes of squats: Do squats to work your legs and glutes. Keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and lower yourself as if you were going to sit in a chair.
  • 5 minutes of lunges: Alternate lunges with each leg. Step one foot forward and step down, bending both knees. Return to the starting position and switch legs.
  • 5 minutes of knee raises: Raise your knees alternately to hip height. This dynamic movement boosts your cardio while strengthening your legs.
  • 5 minutes of walking in place to recover: Finish with a slow walk in place to gradually bring your heart rate down.

Simple and effective exercises

Here are some basic exercises for beginners, easy to do at home without equipment.

Walk in place

Walking in place is a great exercise to start with. It warms the muscles and prepares the body for more intense activities. Walk at a moderate pace, raising your knees high and swinging your arms to maximize effort.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are great for getting your heart rate up quickly. They work many muscles, including the legs, arms and heart. Do them at a pace that suits you, gradually increasing the intensity.


Squats are essential for strengthening your legs and glutes. They also improve balance and flexibility. To perform a proper squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and lower yourself down, bending your knees as if you were going to sit, then come back up.

Intermediate cardio programs

45 minute program

For those who already have some cardio experience, a 45-minute program allows you to take the workout a little further, increasing the intensity and duration of the exercises.

Example routine

  • 10 minutes of jogging in place: Start with jogging in place to warm up your body and gradually increase your heart rate.
  • 10 minutes of burpees: Switch to burpees for an intense exercise that works the entire body. Do a push-up, bring your feet under you, then jump into the air with your arms raised.
  • 10 minutes of mountain climbers: Get into a plank position and alternate bringing your knees toward your chest as quickly as possible. This exercise is excellent for cardio and strengthening the abs.
  • 10 minutes of squat jumps: Do squats followed by a midair jump. This exercise strengthens the legs and significantly increases the heart rate.
  • 5 minutes of walking in place to recover: Finish with a slow walk in place to gradually bring your heart rate down.

Exercises to increase intensity

Here are some specific exercises to intensify your intermediate cardio sessions.


Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines a push-up and an explosive jump. They quickly increase the heart rate and work multiple muscle groups, including the legs, arms and core.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are perfect for strengthening the core and abdominals. In a plank position, alternately bring your knees toward your chest at a rapid pace. This exercise improves endurance and coordination.

Squat jumps

Squat jumps are great for working the legs and glutes while increasing your heart rate. Lower into a squat position and push up with your legs to jump as high as possible. Repeat quickly to maximize cardio effort.

Advanced cardio programs

60 minute program

For cardio enthusiasts with a good fitness level, a 60-minute program offers an intense challenge that significantly improves endurance and strength.

Example routine

  • 15 minutes of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): Alternate 1 minute of intense exercise (like sprints in place or burpees) with 1 minute of active rest (like walking in place). Repeat these cycles for a total of 15 minutes.
  • 15 minutes of circuit training: Do a series of varied exercises such as squats, pumps, pull-ups, and lunges, with little or no rest between each exercise. Do several laps of the circuit for a complete session.
  • 15 minutes of running on the spot with variations: Vary between slow running, sprints and knee raises to keep your heart rate up while working different parts of the legs.
  • 15 minutes of stretching and recovery: Finish with full stretches to promote muscle recovery and improve flexibility. Focus on the muscles used during the workout.

Exercises for intensive training

For an advanced program, here are specific exercises that push your limits and maximize the benefits of cardio.


HIIT is a training method that combines periods of intense exercise with periods of recovery. This type of training increases cardiovascular capacity, burns a lot of calories and improves overall fitness. For example, do 30 second sprints followed by 30 seconds of walking, repeat several times.

Circuit training

Circuit training is a series of exercises performed one after the other with little rest. It allows you to work all muscle groups and maintain a high heart rate. An example circuit might include push-ups, squats, pull-ups, jumping jacks, and sit-ups, repeated in a loop.

Running on the spot with variations

Varying your running on site helps target different muscles and avoid monotony. Incorporate sprints, knee raises, heel-butt pushes, and shuffle steps. These variations increase the intensity and challenge the muscles in different ways, making the workout more complete and effective.

Tips for optimizing your cardio workout

Monitoring and progress

To maximize the benefits of your cardio workout, it is essential to monitor your progress and adjust your sessions accordingly.

Using fitness apps

Fitness apps are fantastic tools for tracking your workouts, measuring your performance and staying motivated. Apps like MyFitnessPal, Strava, or Nike Training Club allow you to log your workouts, monitor your heart rate, and set personalized goals. They also offer training plans adapted to your level and challenges to help you progress.

Keep a training journal

A training journal is another effective method for tracking your progress. Write down each session, the duration, the exercises performed, and your feelings. This tracking allows you to see your improvements over time and adjust your program based on your goals and performance.

Motivation and regularity

The key to a successful cardio program is to stay motivated and exercise regularly.

Set realistic goals

Define clear and achievable goals. Whether it's losing weight, improving your endurance, or simply feeling better, specific goals will give you additional direction and motivation. Break your goals down into smaller steps to maintain your long-term motivation.

Find a training partner

Working out with a partner can turn your cardio routine into a social and enjoyable activity. A training partner encourages you, motivates you and makes the sessions more fun. You can also share tips, tricks, and mutual encouragement, which helps keep you engaged over time.

Nutrition and hydration

A good diet and adequate hydration are essential to optimize your cardio workout.

Balanced diet

To support your physical efforts, eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Consume protein to repair and build muscle, carbohydrates for energy, and healthy fats for overall body function. Favor whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources.

Importance of hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially during intense cardio sessions. Water helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, and transport necessary nutrients to muscles. Drink water before, during and after your workout to maintain proper hydration. If you're training for a long time or in hot weather, consider drinking electrolyte drinks to replace minerals lost through sweat.

programme cardio maison


Cardio at home is a practical and effective solution to improve your health. With programs suitable for all levels, you can strengthen your core, lose weight and improve your mental well-being. Train at your own pace and enjoy the many benefits of cardio at home.


Assessing your fitness level, choosing the right equipment and following a structured program are essential to progress. Take on simple beginner exercises or take on more intense challenges with intermediate and advanced programs. Stay motivated by tracking your progress and eating well.


To go further, explore our articles on the benefits of HIIT training, sports nutrition or tips for staying motivated. Discover how to optimize every aspect of your health and well-being with practical and accessible advice. Continue to stay informed and progress with our dedicated resources.

Come try HIIT at DRIP

If you want to vary your training, we welcome you to our DRIP studios! Here, you will be right at home, with more equipment available to surpass yourself!


The concept of DRIP is as follows: 7 different exercises, 3 rounds, 1 minute per exercise. The exercises follow one another without rest to ensure maximum calorie burning! Our coaches, our playlists and our lights will immerse you in a unique atmosphere that will motivate you.


No matter your sporting level, you are welcome at DRIP!


Ready to sweat? We will meet you in our Parisian studios, in Monceau or Grands Boulevards. You'll love to hate us!❤️‍🔥

