Circuit training débutant : fente


The beginner training circuit to get back in shape

Reading time : 13 min

Do you want to get back in shape with a quick and effective workout ? Discover the circuit training ! This fun training method will allow you to improve your strength and your endurance.


Are you a beginner? Do not panic ! We will explain the basics of circuit training to you in this article. 


Ready to sweat? Let's go! ⚡


What is circuit training?

Circuit training is a training method during which you go chain the exercises one after the other. Between each exercise, you can take a few seconds of recovery or continue directly with the next exercise.

A circuit training generally consists of 5 to 10 exercises different ones that will allow you to work on your muscles, your endurance and your cardio

When you finish performing the exercises the first time, you have completed a lap. The circuit training consists of several rounds, between 3 and 7. Between each round, you take a few seconds or minutes of recovery before setting off again.

You can do circuit training with equipment or by performing bodyweight exercises.

Circuit training débutant : kettlebell swings

The advantages of circuit training

The circuit training presents many advantages

  • You are doing a workout that works your whole body
  • You can do it at home without equipment
  • It's a workout fast and fun
  • You link muscle strengthening And cardio by chaining the exercises
  • You can burn a lot of calories depending on the intensity of your workout
  • You can adjust it according to your level and your objectives
  • If you play another sport, you can use it to improve your specific skills
  • You can practice it alone or in a group

How to prepare your circuit training

The structure

Circuit training is easy to set up, but there are a certain number of elements to prepare before you start: 

  • THE exercises that will constitute your circuit training: you can create your training circuit according to your objective. For example, your workout can only contain cardio exercises if your goal is to lose weight.
  • THE number of repetitions or working time per exercise: 
  • There recovery time between exercises: the more circuits training you do, the more you will be able to reduce your recovery time between your exercises.
  • THE number of turns: start by including three rounds in your circuit training, then gradually increase over the course of your sessions.
  • There recovery time between each round: whatever your level, it is necessary to take a minimum of rest before setting off again for a tour.

To start, we advise you to do circuit training in this form: 

  • 30 seconds of work
  • 30 seconds of rest
  • 2 minutes of rest between each round
  • 3 rounds

If you want to challenge yourself, you can do the first 15 seconds at a moderate pace, then the last 15 seconds by accelerating your effort.

Warming up

Before you start your workout, don't forget to warm up. The warm-up is very important for prepare your joints, your muscles, your tendons and for limit the risk of injury

The warm-up should last at least 5 minutes. You must do raise your heart rate and body temperature. To do this, you can do a few minutes of a low-intensity cardio machine. It is also important towarm up the joints you are going to use during your workout. Complete this warm-up with a few repetitions of the exercises you will perform during your circuit training.

Recommended exercises

Upper body

The pumps

Get into a push-up position with your legs straight or with your knees on the floor if that's too hard for you. If you want to mainly work the pectorals, your hands should be a little wider than your shoulder width. You can move them closer together if you're looking to target the triceps.

Go down by carrying out a elbow flexion. Bending must be carried out behind the shoulders. Keep your back straight sheathing during the movement. When you're about to hit the ground, come back up without completely straightening your elbows.


This exercise is performed with a chair or bench. Place your back, close to your chair or bench, and place your hands on it. Place your hands just past shoulder width. You must start the movement with arms outstretched and legs outstretched in front of you. To add difficulty, you can elevate your legs by placing them on another chair.

Perform a elbow flexion until going down to 90 degrees. The movement is vertical and controlled. Return to initial position.

The shoulder press

For this exercise you will need dumbbells or a barbell. Stand up and tighten your abs to be well sheathed. Place your dumbbells on either side of your head, at the height of your nose. If you are using a bar, drop it at the top of the collarbones. Your hands should be placed behind your shoulders, so that they form a right angle with your arms and forearms. 

Push with your shoulders and your arms to raise your dumbbells or bar, in a straight line, until straighten your elbows. The rest of your body should remain still. Lower your load gently and return to the initial position.


You will need dumbbells or a barbell to perform this exercise. Start from a standing position And bend your knees slightly. Lean your torso forward without digging or rounding your back. You must have a natural camber, don't lean too much. Look at the ground during the exercise to keep your head in alignment with your body. Your dumbbells or barbell should be at knee level.

Pull your elbows toward your hips to mount your load until it reaches the bottom of your stomach, then go back down there. Control the movement : you must remain fixed and not help yourself by projecting your back.

Lower body

Bodyweight squats

The squat is an essential exercise to work your legs. This exercise will mainly target your quadriceps and your glutes.

Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your back straight. When you go down, make a hip flexion, knees then ankles. The objective is to lower your buttocks below the height of your knees. When you go back up, keep your knees pointed outwards

Front lunges

Lunges target many leg muscles to stabilize your body during exercise.

Place your feet hip-width apart. Make a big stride forward, so that one leg is in front of your bust and the other behind. Keep your straight back. The foot you moved forward should be flat throughout the rehearsal. Lower your knee to 90 degrees. Return to the initial position by pushing on your supporting leg. Repeat this with the other leg.

Calf extension

This exercise works your calves through a ankle extension. You can do it with a step to add amplitude to your movement. 

Place your feet hip-width apart, parallel. Completely extend your ankles, as if standing on tiptoes, then return to the starting position while still controlling your movement. If you are doing the exercise on a step or a walk, lower your ankles until you feel your calves stretch. 

It is important to control your movement well during this exercise; don't jerk and go down slowly, the goal is not to bounce back. Keep a slight bending on your knees.


The sheathing

Place yourself on the ground, on your elbows or on the palms of your hands. keep it straight back And round your shoulder blades by pushing into the ground with your elbows or hands. You must ensure that your shoulders, your back, your buttocks and your legs be aligned : Be careful not to lift your butt too much.


Lie on your back and put your legs in the butterfly position, that is to say in bringing your soles together : you will then have legs open outwards.

Without gaining momentum, raise your chest to be in a seated position. Touch your feet with your hands then return to the initial position while controlling the descent.


Jumping jacks

Start the exercise stand with your arms at your sides. Jump in place by spreading your legs to the side and bringing your arms to the top of your head. Do the opposite movement to return to the initial position. Repeat this movement without pause. Pay attention to bend your knees.


The exercise begins standing, feet hip-width apart. Lean over forward in slightly bending your knees to position yourself on the ground plank position, by first placing your hands then throwing your legs back.

If you are a beginner, stay in this position. If you are more experienced, throw your feet back to lower your torso to the ground. Afterwards, push with your arms to stand up. While keeping your hands on the ground, jump to bring your feet level with your hands. Jump up to return to the starting position.

Jump squats

The movement is the same as that of the squat seen previously. Add a jump at the time of extension and continue with another repetition as soon as you land.

Jumped lunges

As with jump squats, the movement is the same as that of the lunges explained previously. Instead of returning to the initial position, perform a jump to move from one leg flexed 90 degrees to the other.

Examples of circuit training

Here are some examples of fitness circuit training you can try.

Beginner full body circuit training

This circuit training is full body : you will work at the same time upper body and lower body. Be ready, it also includes cardio exercises! 🔥

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and try to accelerate your effort during the last 15 seconds.

  • Shoulder press
  • Rowing
  • Jumping jacks
  • Pumps
  • Squats
  • Slots
  • Sheathing
  • Burpees

Upper body circuit training

This circuit training targets the upper body. You will need dumbbells or a barbell to do this.

  • Shoulder press
  • Rowing
  • Pumps
  • Jumping jacks
  • Sheathing
  • Kettlebell swing

Circuit training legs

This training circuit, focused on the work of legs, can be done without equipment.

  • Squats
  • Slots
  • Jumping jacks
  • Jump squats
  • Calf extension
  • Jumped lunges


We recommend that you stretch between one and two hours after your workout to limit aches.

Circuit training débutant : homme au sol récupération


Circuit training is a good way to get back into shape ! You can modulate it according to your level and your objectives


You can get started right away with circuit training with bodyweight exercises, which do not require no material. You can include essentials such as pumps, THE squats, THE burpees or even the sheathing.


If you are looking for other exercises to complete your program, we have an article on circuit training exercises that you can include in your workout. 👀


Circuit training at DRIP

This article has motivated you to try circuit training ? We got you! DRIP is 50 minutes of intensive training inspired by circuit training and HIIT.


With our workouts, you chain the workshops without recovery. You will sweat and drool, but don't worry, you still have to rest between each round !


Our goal : help you surpass yourself through an immersive experience centered on group spirit. No judgement, let off steam!


At DRIP, everyone is welcome. Whether you are starting circuit training or not, you have your place with us. 


Our coaches are here to support you and help you surpass yourself throughout your workout!

Ready to sweat ? Come sweat with us at the studio, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris next to Monceau. You'll love to hate us!❤️‍🔥

