Circuit training : récupération


Circuit training: everything you need to know!

Reading time : 12 min

THE circuit training is a training method which aims to provide intense physical effort over a short period of time, in order to strengthen your muscles and D'improve your endurance. There are a multitude of possibilities to modulate it as you wish.


We tell you everything you need to know about circuit training in this article!


What is circuit training?

The principle

Circuit training is a workout that consists of chain together several exercises one after the other, with a limited rest time between each exercise. For each exercise, you will perform a certain number of repetitions or do repetitions over a specific time before moving on to the next one. 

When you complete each exercise, you have completed a lap. A training circuit consists of several rounds, so you will repeat the same circuit several times. 

The recovery time between each exercise will be short, but it will be longer between each round.

You can work several different muscle groups in a single circuit.

Circuit training : kettlebells

The structure

Before you begin, you need to define several things: 

  • The number of exercises : in general, a circuit training is made up 5 to 10 different exercises.
  • Exercises : you can choose them according to your objective. For example, if you are looking to lose weight, you will do a majority of cardio exercises.
  • The number of turns : a training circuit is often made up from 3 to 7 turns.
  • Rest time : You have the option to take no recovery time between your exercises, but take time to recover between rounds. Generally, the rest between each round lasts between 60 and 90 seconds, but you are free to limit this duration or extend it a little to get back to it properly.

The advantages of circuit training

The circuit training presents many advantages, whatever your goals.

It helps you lose weight

You provide intense physical effort that pushes you to your limits. Combining efforts with limited rest will result in what we callafterburn effect, that is to say your ability to burn calories at rest. This will be improved.

It is ideal for muscle strengthening

During your session, you will use reduced weights so that you can sequence the different bodybuilding exercises. You will then strengthen your muscular endurance. If you train regularly, you will be able to gradually increase your workload and so gain muscle mass.

Muscle strengthening is also beneficial for burning calories : the more you build your muscles, the more calories they will need to consume!

You can adapt it to your level and your objective

Circuit training can adapt according to your objective sporty : muscle strengthening, weightloss, fitness, improvement of your general physical condition… This training will meet your expectations.

The difficulty is also adjustable. If you are a beginner, take 30 seconds recovery, Then reduce this duration over the course of your sessions.

It's a quick workout

If you can't find time to exercise, try including circuit training sessions in your weekly routine. The recovery time between each exercise being very short, you can train effectively in less than half an hour.

It can be done without equipment

If you don't have any sports equipment at home, and you don't have a gym membership, you have a large number of bodyweight exercises that you can include in your training circuit! We'll tell you about it later in the article.

It's a fun workout

If you happen to get tired of staying on the same exercise during a classic session, you will have a hard time getting bored during your training: the exercises will follow one another quickly, you will always be on the move.

Additionally, you can perform it in pairs or groups to surpass yourself as a group!

What are the differences with HIIT?

Circuit training is often confused with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), which mainly requires cardio. These two methods have certain points in common: 

  • They are easily adjustable ;
  • They link bodybuilding and weight loss ;
  • They can take place anywhere.

The main difference between circuit training and HIIT is that the latter is much more intensive and faster. The recovery time is tiny, you will find yourself very quickly in the red.

If you want to know more about HIIT, we talk about it in detail in This item.

The best circuit training exercises

There are a wide variety of exercises that you can include in your circuit training. 

Practice with equipment

Guided machines and cardio

If you train indoors, it might be worth including machines in your workout to spice things up.

Among the most classic machines, we find: 

  • THE bike ;
  • THE elliptical trainer;
  • THE rower;
  • THE treadmill;
  • THE stairs.

There are other cardio machines, very good but not common in gyms: 

  • L'assault bike;
  • THE SkiErg; 
  • L'air runner.

Free weights

Free weights are more accessible than machines and offer a wide variety of exercises. 

The main free weights that you can find in the gym, or obtain, are: 

  • THE dumbbells;
  • THE bars;
  • THE kettlebells;
  • THE weight plates;
  • There medicine ball;
  • THE power bag;
  • There swiss ball.

Free weights are very versatile : you only need a dumbbell to be able to perform a large number of muscle strengthening exercises.

Example exercises

There are countless ways to exercise with free weights. Here are some exercises you can include during your session: 

  • THE rowing to work the back;
  • THE shoulder press to work the shoulders and trapezius;
  • THE snatch, a more complete exercise that works the shoulders, trapezius, legs and abdominals;
  • THE curl for the biceps;
  • There bar on the forehead for the triceps;
  • THE Romanian Deadlift for the hamstrings;
  • THE slots (with weights) for the quadriceps and glutes.

Practice without equipment

No equipment available? Don't panic, there are a lot of bodyweight exercises that you can do at home!

Upper body and lower body

For the upper body, the main muscle strengthening exercises you can perform are push-ups and dips. When it comes to push-ups, there are some variations to target different parts of the body: 

  • THE “classic” pumps to target the pectorals and shoulders;
  • THE “diamond” pumps to mainly target the triceps;
  • THE handstand push-ups to target the shoulders, trapezius and triceps.

For the lower body, the essentials are the squats and the slots. There are also more specific exercises such as Nordic curls where the calf extensions.


When it comes to abs, there are many exercises that you can easily perform anywhere. Among them, we find: 

  • THE sheathing;
  • THE crunches;
  • THE sit-ups;
  • THE russian twists;
  • THE heel keys;
  • THE mountain climbers;
  • THE superman.

Cardio exercises

Doing cardio without a machine seems less effective, but make no mistake: you will quickly feel your heart rate rise! 🥵

  • THE burpees;
  • THE jumping jacks;
  • THE knee lifts;
  • THE jump squats And sautéed lunges.

If you want to complete your circuit training, we have a complete article on the different exercises you can include. 👀

Examples of circuit training

We have prepared some examples of circuit training that you can do. 

Before you start, don't forget to warm up. As with any physical activity, it is very important to warm up in order to prepare for the effort And limit the risk of injury.

Take at least five minutes to prepare yourself well. Warm up the joints that you will be required to use during your training and increase your body heat by doing a cardiovascular warm-up. We also advise you to make a specific warm-up, that is, to do a few repetitions of the exercises you are about to perform.

Beginner training circuit

If you are not familiar with circuit training and want to get back into shape, we recommend this full body program. 

Work for 30 seconds and take 30 seconds to cool down.

  • Rowing
  • Shoulder press
  • Jumping jacks
  • Pumps
  • Squats
  • Sheathing
  • Front lunges
  • Burpees

Women's circuit training

The training circuit is suitable for women: the mix between weight training and cardio allows you to enhance your natural shapes and reduce fat and cellulite.

  • Squats
  • Pumps
  • Jumping jacks
  • Slots
  • Sheathing
  • Hip thrust
  • Dips
  • Burpees


If you are looking for more programs, we have a article dedicated to other circuit training designed for women.

Weight loss circuit training

This circuit training is designed to help you burn calories. Get your towel ready, you're going to sweat!🔥

  • Jumping jacks
  • Jump squats
  • Sheathing
  • Jumping rope Or knee raises
  • Jumped lunges
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Burpees


Try to limit your rest time between each exercise as much as possible.

Circuit training with equipment

This training circuit is intended for the most experienced. You will need materials to make it. Hang in there, it’s going to be intense!

  • Assault bike
  • Rowing
  • SkiErg
  • Front lunges
  • Commando sheathing
  • Kettlebell swing
  • Sumo squat

Work for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds between each exercise. Take a minute of rest between each round.

Circuit training : fentes


Circuit training aims to work on muscle strengthening and thecardiovascular endurance. This type of training presents many advantages. Whatever your physical condition, you can go ahead and do a session in the form of circuit training.

You can adjust your session to constitute training that suits you, through the recovery time, THE number of exercises, of towers And the exercises that will make up your circuit.

Circuit training at DRIP

So, you like it ? Come sweat at DRIP !

THE concept of DRIP is as follows: 7 bases, 3 rounds, 1 minute per base. YOU chain each base without rest For burn as many calories as possible ! All in one crazy atmosphere thanks to our coaches overexcited and our exclusive playlists.

At the house of DRIP, the courses are accessible to all. Whether you are a regular at circuit training or not, you are welcome to the studio.

Our coaches are here to support you and motivate you to give your best!

Ready to sweat? We give you meet us in our studio rue Monceau, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. You'll love to hate us!❤️‍🔥

