Exercice HIIT cardio : fente


HIIT cardio exercise: the best exercises for your session

Reading time : 13 min

Looking for an effective HIIT cardio exercise to boost your heart rate and burn calories? You are in the right place. THE HIIT, from English High Intensity Interval Training, is recognized for its ability to maximize weight loss in a short time.

Thanks to short and intense sequences, HIIT does work the heart to its maximum. Each routine is designed to target different cardiovascular zones, guaranteeing optimal results. But how do you choose the right exercise for your needs?

Want to optimize your cardio training while saving time? Curious to discover the best exercises to include in your routine for maximum effectiveness? This article is made for you. Ready to sweat? Let's go!⚡


What is HIIT?

HIIT, acronym for High Intensity Interval Training, is a interval training method combining power work And recovery phases. It is characterized by phases of intense activity, alternated with brief moments of rest. The essence of HIIT is to stimulate the body to its maximum potential in minimal time.

During a HIIT session, high-intensity activities are carried out with total determination. These steps are followed by moments of rest or active recovery, ensuring a partial fitness before the next peak of effort.

HIIT is recognized for its benefits on cardiovascular health, its ability to burn calories and to tone the muscles. Her versatility allows customization according to individual needs and skills, making HIIT a preferred option for those looking for a efficient and invigorating training.

Exercice HIIT cardio : squat

The benefits of HIIT

HIIT has many advantages for its practitioners.

High calorie burn

Through the intensity of the exercises that make it up, HIIT will speed up your metabolism And cause an afterburn effect, also called theafterburn effect, period during which your body will continue to burn calories, several hours after training. Ideal for losing weight.

Short training

HIIT is shorter than traditional workouts but it allows you to get equally significant results. Typically, a HIIT session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. If you have a busy schedule, we advise you to try to include sessions in your routine.

Improvement of the cardiovascular system

HIIT allows you to strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation. Generally speaking, you improve your cardiovascular capacity, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Muscle strengthening

Although HIIT focuses on cardiovascular work, it also incorporates resistance movements, with body weight or with weights, which allow you to tone and strengthen muscles.


HIIT can be suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you're new to HIIT or a seasoned practitioner, you can adjust the intensity of your program according to your objective and/or your needs.

No equipment needed

A lot of HIIT circuits only use bodyweight exercises. You can therefore exercise anywhere, without having to buy any equipment. However, it is interesting to intensify certain movements with free weights to take it to the next level!

Varied training

It exists an infinite number of possibilities to compose your HIIT program. If you fear monotony in your traditional workouts, HIIT offers you a challenging and interesting training option that will take you out of your comfort zone.

The risks of overdosing on HIIT

The big danger of HIIT is doing it too frequently. Overdosing on HIIT can include: 

  • cause injuries ;
  • cause a situation of overtraining ;
  • make you more prone to fatigue and at stress.

The principles of HIIT

Work and rest phases

The heart of HIIT training is how much work and how much recovery time you will take. 

In general, working time should be double or triple your rest time. For example, you can opt to do 30 seconds of effort and 10 seconds of recovery. The more experienced you are, the more you can reduce the rest time or increase the effort time.

The importance of warming up 

It is very important to warm up before your HIIT session. Take time to do this, because it allows you to prepare your joints, your tendons And your muscles, and allows you to limit the risk of injury

Perform your warm-up in three stages: 

  • A cardiovascular warm-up to raise your heart rate and body temperature;
  • A joint heating to prepare the joints that will be used during the program;
  • A specific warm-up, dynamic gestures that are close to the program you are going to carry out.

Return to calm

Between each exercise, it is important to cool down with phases of active recovery Or passive For gradually decrease heart rate and ventilation. Stopping suddenly after a workout can cause fainting.

HIIT exercises: our advice

There are many exercises you can include in your HIIT program. There are certain criteria to take into account: 

  • they must use several muscle groups ;
  • they must be simple to make ;
  • they must not not require a lot of equipment ;
  • they must be adaptable to each person’s level.

HIIT sport exercises: the essentials


Burpees are a very effective HIIT exercise for cardio: they work several muscle groups and increase the heart rate. They also help burn calories, build power and endurance, improve coordination and remove bulges under the breast.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  • Bend your legs and lower yourself to place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump back into plank position, body aligned, arms outstretched and abdominals contracted.
  • Do a push-up by lowering your torso until it touches the ground, then come back up by pushing on your arms.
  • Jump forward to bring your feet close to your hands while keeping your back straight.
  • Jump up with your arms straight above your head.
  • Repeat the exercise without pause, keeping a steady pace.

The pumps

Push-ups are interesting because they work several muscle groups and increase the heart rate. They help strengthen the pectorals, triceps, shoulders and abdominals. 

  • Lie on your stomach with your hands flat on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The feet are together or slightly apart. The body is aligned from head to toe, without hollowing or arching the back. Contract your abs and glutes to maintain this position.
  • Push on outstretched arms while exhaling, keeping the body straight and bending the elbows, without being stuck to the body or spread outwards. 
  • Flex your arms while inhaling, lowering the body towards the ground without touching it. The elbows should form an angle of approximately 90 degrees. 
  • Come back up by pushing on your outstretched arms while exhaling to return to the starting position. 

Jump squats

Jump squats are a big energy expenditure. They help strengthen power, coordination and balance.

  • Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. The back is straight, the gaze is fixed in front of you.
  •  Bend your legs inhaling, lowering your pelvis backwards as if you wanted to sit on a chair. The knees should be aligned with the feet, without going beyond the tips of the toes. Your arms are extended in front of you, at shoulder height. The torso must remain straight, without leaning forward. The thigh should form an angle of approximately 90 degrees with the calf.
  • Push on the legs while exhaling, lifting your feet off the ground. Perform a jump by bringing your arms alongside your body. Then land gently, bending your legs and returning to the starting position.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are a very complete exercise that works the muscles of the legs, arms, shoulders and trunk, and increases the heart rate. They help strengthen endurance, mobility and stability. 

  • Get into a plank position with your hands flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. The arms are straight, the body is aligned from head to toe, without hollowing or arching the back. Contract your abs and glutes to maintain this position.
  • Bring one knee toward your chest, keeping your foot in the air. The other leg remains straight, the foot on the ground. The torso must remain straight, without leaning forward or turning to the sides. 
  • Quickly alternate legs, bringing the other knee towards the chest, and pushing the first leg back. Perform this movement rhythmically, without releasing tension in the body.

Jumping rope

Skipping rope is a very complete exercise that works the heart, many muscles, and improves coordination. It helps burn calories and tone the body.

  • Start standing, feet together or slightly apart, arms at your sides. Stand straight with your gaze fixed in front of you. Hold the jump rope by the handles, at hip height. The rope should be behind you, in contact with the ground.
  • Spin the rope as you pass it above your head, mainly using the wrists.
  • Jump when the rope reaches your feet, bending your knees slightly and keeping your back straight. The feet must take off and land at the same time. The arms should remain close to the body, without moving the elbows. Repeat the movement rhythmically, without pausing between each jump.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks allow you to burn calories and gain flexibility and agility. 

  • Start standing, feet together, arms at your sides. The back is straight, the gaze is fixed in front of you. 
  • Spread your legs while jumping, placing them at shoulder width. At the same time, raise your arms above your head, by joining them. The torso must remain straight, without leaning forward or to the sides. Your gaze must remain fixed in front of you, without looking at your feet.
  • Bring your legs back while jumping, joining them. At the same time, lower your arms along your body, releasing them. Repeat the movement rhythmically, without pausing between each jump.

Examples of HIIT cardio exercise sessions

Beginner HIIT program

This program is designed for people starting HIIT and who want improve their cardio and muscle tone. It alternates simple and effective exercises that work the heart and the main muscle groups. It helps burn calories, increase metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

The program consists of 5 exercises to repeat 2 times, with 30 seconds of work And 15 seconds of rest between each exercise. Here are the exercises:

  • Jumping jacks
  • Squat 
  • Sheathing (on the knees if too difficult)
  • Slots
  • Pumps (on the knees if too difficult) 

Intermediate HIIT program

This program is designed for people who already have good physical condition and who want to strengthen their cardio and muscles. It alternates intense and varied exercises that work the heart and the main muscle groups. It allows to burn calories, improve power, endurance and coordination.

The program consists of 7 exercises to repeat 3 times, with 40 seconds of work And 20 seconds of rest between each exercise. Here are the exercises:

  • Jumping rope
  • Jump squat
  • Sheathing
  • Jumped lunges
  • Pumps
  • Jumping jacks 
  • Abdominals

Advanced HIIT program

This program is designed for people who have a high level and who want to surpass their limits. It combines high-intensity exercises that work the cardiovascular system and the main muscle groups. It allows to burn a lot of calories, to improve the power, the agility and the coordination.

The program consists of 10 exercises to repeat 5 times, with 60 seconds of work And 10 seconds of rest between each exercise. 

  • Burpees 
  • Squat jumps
  • Mountain climbers
  • Pumps
  • Jumping jacks 
  • Jumped lunges 
  • Sheathing
  • Abdominals 

HIIT jump rope program

This program is ideal for beginners who want to improve their endurance and coordination. Jumping rope is a great cardio exercise that works the entire body and burns a lot of calories. All you need is a jump rope and a little space to do it.

The program consists of 4 exercises to repeat 2 times, with 30 seconds of work And 15 seconds of rest between each exercise. Here are the exercises:

  • Jumps with feet together
  • Bell jumps
  • Knee jumps
  • Cross-arm jumps

We have a article dedicated to HIIT with the skipping rope where you can find more programs.👀

Exercice HIIT cardio : gainage


HIIT is an effective method for improve your cardio, burn fat And to build up muscle. There are a large number of exercises suitable for HIIT that you can include in your programs. These exercises are complete and allow you to work on both cardio and the muscle strengthening.

HIIT allows you to do a training adjusted to your level. It is important to adapt the time of the session, the exercises, the working time and the rest time depending on your physical level.


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