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HIIT corde à sauter : circuit training


HIIT skipping rope: discover its benefits!

Reading time : 8 min

Are you looking for the best exercise to include in your HIIT session? Try your hand at jumping rope ! This exercise is perfect for interval training, and has many benefits for your body and your performance.


We'll show you how to include jumping rope in a HIIT session. Ready to sweat? Let’s go!⚡


What is HIIT?

THE HIIT (from the English term High Intensity Interval Training) is a split training method which focuses on intensity and the cardio work. The idea is to provide a rapid and intense effort with a very short recovery time.

HIIT consists of multiple exercise intervals that we chain together. During each exercise, you must be required to provide a significant effort. Eobviously, you will not be able to give yourself to 100% for too long a period, increase your effort over time : when you reach the halfway point or towards the end of your exercise, speed up your movement.

Between each exercise, you take a short recovery time of about 15 seconds during which you set up for the next exercise. If your circuit is long, you can increase this recovery time, but it should not be greater than the work time.

HIIT consists of exercises cardio, such as theassault bike where the SkiErg, exercises body weight and with free weights.

The HIIT Tabata method

Among the HIIT configurations, we find the Tabata method which is composed as follows: you repeat 8 series during which you go work for 20 seconds And rest for 10 seconds. In total, your Tabata session will last 4 minutes.

HIIT corde à sauter : saut

Why do HIIT?

HIIT is fast

With HIIT, you can train in only a few minutes. If you have busy days and it is difficult for you to find a lot of time to exercise, we advise you to include HIIT sessions in your weekly routine. You will be able spend yourself in no time !

HIIT burns a lot of calories

By chaining the exercises with very limited rest phases, your heart rate will quickly rise. This will lead to a long-term calorie consumption. Even after your session, you will continue to burn calories: this is calledafterburn effect. Over the course of your workouts, this ability to burn calories at rest will increase.

HIIT works your endurance

Doing a HIIT session will work your cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, which will allow your respiratory system to better support intensive efforts that you will achieve.

HIIT improves your aerobic and anaerobic performance

An effort aerobic consists of training at low intensity, over a long period of time. Although HIIT is very intensive, it will allow you to strengthen your aerobic power.

Anaerobic corresponds to the capacity to training with a low amount of oxygen, for a short period of time. When you do HIIT, you perform an effort in an anaerobic zone : you exercise at high intensity for several short periods.

The benefits of jumping rope

It is ideal for weight loss

Jumping rope is a great exercise for weight loss. Indeed, its practice requires theactivation of many muscles : THE calves, THE thighs, THE hamstrings, THE glutes, THE shoulders, THE back and the arm et permet d’avoid bulges under the chest. You can use a weighted jump rope to further warm up your muscles.🔥

By doing 20 minutes of jumping rope, you can burn as many calories as jogging for 20 minutes.

It tones your muscles

As we told you previously, you will work a lot of muscle groups by jumping rope: 

  • Your upper body when you spin the rope;
  • Your lower body by repeating the jumps;
  • Your abs while remaining cored to remain straight and balanced during the exercise.

Your body must be straight during the exercise, these muscles will therefore be used so that you keep a straight posture.

In addition, chain jumps strengthens deep muscles at the level of ankles and feet, what limits the risk of injury to these parts of the body.

It works your endurance

By repeating small jumps, you will train your cardiovascular endurance, respiratory but also your muscular endurance. It's a good way to be good physical condition.

It strengthens your heart

Skipping rope, like all cardio exercises, allows you to strengthen your heart and of prevent cardiovascular disease. By jumping rope, you can gradually improve your respiratory and cardiovascular system.

It works on your coordination and agility

When you start jumping rope, it is difficult to succeed in coordinate wrist rotation and jump timing. If you practice rope training regularly, you will quickly find the right rhythm. 

As you practice, you will be able to try different jumps to work on your agility : knee raises, jumps on one leg, double jump… There are many possibilities to vary your workouts!

It improves your concentration

When you jump rope, you must be focused on your movements. At the slightest moment of inattention, you can catch the rope in your feet or land on it.

The more you practice skipping rope, the more your ability to concentrate improves.

It offers a fun workout

With a skipping rope you have lots of different jump possibilities. Don't just do jumps with both feet throughout your session, practice different ways of jumping. In varying your jumps, you won't get bored during your workout!

Other advantages

The list of benefits of jumping rope is long. Here are others: 

  • She easily transported
  • It can be obtained at low price
  • We can practice it just about anywhere
  • His practice promotes blood circulation
  • It allows you to work on your explosiveness

Some skipping rope exercises

Here are some exercises you can do as part of your session: 

  • THE classic jumps, feet together 
  • THE hopping 
  • THE jog step (change feet with each jump)
  • THE side straddle (jump by spreading your feet then bringing them back, as if you were doing jumping jacks)
  • THE scissor jumps (one leg in front, one leg behind, then reverse them with each jump)
  • THE side jumps (jump with both feet together to the left, then to the right);
  • THE skip boxer shorts (hop from one foot to the other)
  • The heel to toe step boxer (boxer skip by touching the ground with your heel when you change feet)
  • THE double unders (accelerate the rotation of the wrists when jumping so as to make two rope passes in one jump)
  • THE crossover jumps (cross your arms when the rope passes under your legs and uncross when it reaches your head)

HIIT Jump Rope Programs

HIIT program skipping rope and cardio exercises

This program mixes jump rope sequences and cardio exercises. You will work for 30 seconds, and you will take 20 seconds of rest between each exercise. Complete this circuit thrice.

  • Jumping rope : jumps with feet together ;
  • Jumping jacks ;
  • Jumping rope : knee raises ;
  • Squat jumps ;
  • Jumping rope : jog step ;
  • Burpees Or half burpees.

If you're new to jumping rope, perform each rope sequence by jumping with both feet.

HIIT jump rope program only

If you only want to work on the rope, this program is for you. 

    • Jumps with feet together ;
    • Hopping
    • Knee-raising jumps;

This circuit is organized as follows: 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Repeat the cycle five times.

Tabata Jump Rope HIIT Program

This program is organized in Tabata. As a reminder, you should take 10 seconds of recovery between each 20-second work interval.

  • 20 seconds of classic jumps ;
  • 20 seconds of side straddle ;
  • 20 seconds hopping ;
  • 20 seconds in scissors ;

HIIT corde à sauter : entraînement


Skipping rope practice presents many benefits. Including it in your HIIT session will allow you to burn as many calories as possible while making a full body muscle strengthening.

To spice up your training, you can mix skipping rope and bodybuilding and/or cardio exercises into your session for a more complete workout.🔥


Are you interested in HIIT? We got you! Come and discover DRIP for 50 minutes of intensive training inspired by circuit training and HIIT.

Training made in DRIP is: a circuit of 7 bases, 3 turns and 1 minute per base. You are accompanied by our coaches and their exclusive playlists to help you surpass yourself.

With our workouts, you do a series of workshops without recovery to burn as many calories as possible

Our objective ? Make you want to surpass yourself in a spirit of cohesion and good humor. Let off steam without judgment!

At DRIP, the trainings are accessible to all : whatever your level, you are welcome in our studio!

You are ready to give everything ? We give you meet in our studio 50 rue de Monceau, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, to give it all together. You'll love to hate us!❤️‍🔥

