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Programme HIIT perte de poids : squat


HIIT weight loss program: burn as many calories as possible!

Reading time : 21 min

You look for an effective way to lose weight ? HIIT could be your answer. This intensive workout program burns calories at lightning speed, delivering rapid results.


HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, mixes periods of intense effort with periods of rest. Well chosen, HIIT exercises maximize fat burning while strengthening your muscles.

But what is the best HIIT exercise for your weight loss? And how to structure your sessions for optimal results? If these questions burn your lips, this article is for you. Ready to sweat? Let's go! 🔥


What is HIIT?

Before starting, we will present HIIT to you in detail. If you are used to the practice, a booster shot will not hurt you!

THE HIIT, from English High Intensity Interval Training, is a training method based on alternation between phases of exercises performed at maximum intensity and rest or active recovery phases

This dynamic sports training offers convincing results in a short time. Whether you're looking to lose weight, improve your endurance, or strengthen your muscles, HIIT might just be the key to achieving your goals.

Programme HIIT perte de poids : gainage

The benefits of HIIT

Burn calories

The main characteristic of HIIT is the combination of short but very intense exercises, followed by periods of rest or lighter efforts. These peaks in intensity cause the heart rate to skyrocket, forcing the body to expend a large amount of energy in a very short time. The more intense the effort, the greater the calorie expenditure.

The after-burning effect

One of the major advantages of HIIT lies in the phenomenon known asafterburner effect, more precisely called “Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption” (Excessive Oxygen Consumption after Exercise). After a HIIT session, the body continues to consume oxygen at a higher rate than normal, leading to an increase in calorie expenditure for several hours after the end of the exercise. This means that not only do you burn calories during your session, but also after it, even while resting!

Metabolism stimulation

The intense nature of HIIT causes acceleration of metabolism. This increase in the rate at which the body converts calories into energy results in better ability to burn fat, even when you're not exercising.

Muscle strengthening

HIIT sessions are usually made up of a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups. Whether squats, burpees, push-ups or jumps, each movement intensely engages the muscles, pushing them to work hard for short intervals. This varied request ensures a complete muscle strengthening.

Intensity is also beneficial for gaining muscle. By performing exercises at maximum intensity, even for short periods, you push your muscles to their limits. This overload is essential for stimulate muscle growth and strengthening.

Development of respiratory and cardiovascular endurance

During the intense exercise phases of HIIT, your heart and lungs must work at full capacity to provide the necessary oxygen to your muscles. This maximum demand, even if it is short-lived, results in a adaptation of the cardio-respiratory system, making it more effective over time.

Alternating between intense efforts and rest periods of active recovery mimics the variations in oxygenation found in many sports and activities. This allows to develop the body's ability to effectively manage rapid changes in oxygen demand, thus strengthening respiratory endurance.

With the intensity of HIIT sessions, the heart strengthens and becomes more efficient. Over time, this can lead to an increase in stroke volume (the amount of blood ejected by the heart with each beat), which improves cardiovascular efficiency and endurance.

Quick workout

The main characteristic of HIIT is its interval-based structure: short periods of intense effort followed by short periods of rest or moderate effort. A typical HIIT session can last between 15 and 30 minutes, which is significantly less than the duration of a traditional training session. Despite this brevity, thanks to the intensity of the effort, the benefits are comparable, or even greater, than those of longer workouts.

With such short sessions, it's much easier to fit HIIT into a busy schedule. Whether during the lunch break, early in the morning or even at the end of the day, it is always possible to find a slot for a quick session.

No hardware needed

Many HIIT routines are based on bodyweight exercises, which means you don't have to not necessarily need access to a gym or specialist equipment. So you can start a HIIT session whenever you have some free time, whether at home, in a park or even in a hotel room.

A fun workout

Unlike some forms of training that may focus on repetitive movements, HIIT is based on a multitude of exercises. Each session can be different from the previous one, which allowsavoid monotony and of always keep the workout fresh and exciting.

The very nature of the intervals – alternating phases of intense effort with moments of rest or more moderate effort – creates a dynamic rhythm. This rapid pace can make time seem to pass faster and maintains attention and engagement throughout the session.

Although HIIT can be done alone, it is also popular in group classes. Training with others, sharing the intensity of intervals and encouraging each other adds a social and fun aspect to routine.

Improved aerobic and anaerobic capacities

There aerobic capacity refers to the body's ability to produce energy using oxygen, usually duringprolonged efforts. There anaerobic capacity, on the other hand, concerns the production of energy without oxygen, often duringshort, intense efforts. HIIT stands out because it allows you to work and improve these two abilities simultaneously.

The very structure of HIIT mimics the functioning of the body's aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. Short, intense sprints require the anaerobic metabolism, while active recovery periods and more moderate effort intervals require the aerobic system.

The maximum effort phases of HIIT intensely use the anaerobic system. Over time, this improves the ability of muscles to function in conditions where oxygen supply is limited, as during a sprint or an explosive effort.

Injury prevention

Unlike long training sessions, which can put joints, tendons and muscles under prolonged strain, HIIT sessions are shorter, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

HIIT incorporates a wide range of exercises that target different muscle groups. This variety prevents overuse of a specific muscle group, which reduces the risk of overexertion and associated injuries.

By regularly using the muscles at high intensity, HIIT promotes general muscle strengthening. Strong, well-trained muscles provide a better joint support, which can help minimize the risk of injury.

HIIT weight loss program: how to structure it

Working and rest time

The composition of your HIIT circuit depends on your sporting level and your objectives.

  • If you are starting, take a rest time equivalent to or slightly less than your work time (for example, 30 seconds of exercise and 30 seconds of rest).
  • If you are rather intermediate, increase your effort interval and decrease the recovery interval (30 seconds of effort, 15 seconds of rest).
  • If you are hardened, challenge yourself and further reduce the effort/rest gap (for example, 45 seconds of exercise and 15 seconds to recover).

Warming up

Before you start your workout, don't forget to warm up well to prepare your muscles, your joints And your tendons, but also for limit the risk of muscle and joint injuries

Your warm-up should be done in three stages: 

  • A cardiovascular warm-up to raise your body temperature and heart rate;
  • A joint heating to prepare the joints you will use during your session;
  • A specific warm-up, that is to say, make dynamic gestures that are similar to the exercises that you will perform in your circuit.


For preserve the health of your muscles, it is important to stretch before and after your session. 

Before your session, it is important to do dynamic stretching to prepare your body for the effort. These stretches increase muscle temperature, improve joint range of motion And optimize coordination

At the end of your session, don't forget to do a few static stretches. These allow relax the muscles you have used, promote better blood circulation And limit the risk of aches.

The best forms of HIIT for weight loss

HIIT jump rope

The benefits of jumping rope

The skipping rope is an accessory that offers many advantages: 

  • She allows to burn lots of calories quickly ;
  • She tones the muscles ;
  • She works on endurance ;
  • She strengthens the heart ;
  • She works coordination, balance and agility
  • She improves concentration ;
  • She is easily transportable ;
  • She can be practiced anywhere.

Clearly, jumping rope is a very beneficial exercise, especially in the context of HIIT. It fits perfectly with interval work. Combine skipping rope phases with cardio exercises (jumping jacks, burpees, etc.) or weight training to establish a complete and effective HIIT circuit.

Example of a HIIT jump rope circuit

This circuit mixes skipping rope and strength training exercises to provide complete body strengthening. For this circuit you must do 40 seconds of exercise and take 20 seconds of rest between each exercise. Repeat the circuit three times.

    • Jumping rope – classic jumps
    • Squats 
    • Jumping rope – hopping
    • Pumps
    • Jumping rope - Maximum speed

If you want to discover more programs as well as learn more about the benefits of jumping rope, we wrote an article about it. 👀

HIIT running

Running is a good way to lose weight in the long term. Combining running with HIIT gives you an opportunity to make your workout routine more fun And get better results without having to travel too long.

Example of a HIIT running circuit

This circuit aims to improve endurance and speed. You will alternate between sprint phases and walking phases to recover. The circuit takes place as follows: 

  • 30 seconds of sprinting; 
  • 1 minute of walking at a brisk pace.

Perform 8 rounds of this circuit. Your workout will last 12 minutes.

The best HIIT exercises

HIIT upper body exercises

The pumps

Push-ups are one of the most versatile and effective exercises for strengthening your upper body and core.

  • Start in a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your feet can be placed together or apart depending on what is most comfortable for you. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels.
  • While keeping your body rigid and in a straight line, bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor. Your elbows should form a 45° angle with your torso, preventing them from spreading too far apart.
  • Once your chest is almost level with the floor (or as soon as your range allows), push firmly against the floor, extending your arms to return to the starting position.


Dips are an effective way to work multiple upper body muscle groups in one movement.

  • Start by finding a pair of parallel bars for dips or, if you're at home, use the edge of a stable bench or chair. Place your hands on the bar or bench with your fingers facing forward. Extend your arms and lift your body, keeping a slight bend in the elbows to avoid strain.
  • Keeping your torso tilted slightly forward, bend your elbows to lower your body. Your elbows should stay close to your body and form a 90-degree angle at the lowest position.
  • Use the strength in your triceps to push up and return to the starting position, extending your arms but not locking them at the end of the movement.


Rowing uses the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids and arm muscles such as the biceps. Incorporating this exercise into your HIIT sessions provides deep muscle strengthening while improving endurance.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing your body).
  • Bend your knees slightly and lean forward from your hips. Keep your back straight and your torso almost parallel to the floor. Let your arms hang naturally in front of you.
  • Contract your back muscles to pull the dumbbells toward your hips. Imagine trying to pinch a walnut between your shoulder blades. The elbows should stay close to the body and move towards the ceiling.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, controlling the movement.

The military press

The military press is a great way to incorporate upper body strengthening work into your HIIT sessions. Thanks to its compound nature and ability to quickly elevate heart rate, it is particularly suited to the rapid intensity and variability of HIIT sessions.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp a barbell or dumbbells with a grip a little wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing forward.
  • With your load resting at collarbone or upper chest, push it up and forward, fully extending your arms. Make sure your head moves back slightly during the lift to allow for a smooth movement and to avoid hitting the bar or dumbbells.
  •  Lower the bar in a controlled manner to the starting position.

HIIT lower body exercises


The squat is an essential exercise for strengthening the legs. Discover how to do a perfect squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Keeping your head up and your back straight, begin to bend your knees while pushing your hips back, as if you were going to sit in a chair. Make sure your knees are in line with your feet and do not extend past your toes.
  • Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor or as low as your mobility allows.
  • Push through your heels, engaging your glutes and quads, to return to standing.

The slots

Lunges, due to their dynamic nature and engagement of large muscle groups, are particularly suited to HIIT workouts.

  • Stand with your feet together. Keep your back straight and your gaze forward.
  • Step forward with one foot, then bend both knees to lower your hips toward the floor. Your back knee should almost touch the ground, while your front knee should be in line with your ankle.
  • Push off your front foot to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement, this time moving forward with the other leg.
  • Inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up.

HIIT cardio exercises


Considered both a challenge and a workout essential, the burpee is a versatile exercise that has earned a place of choice in HIIT sessions.

  • Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.
  • Squat down to place your hands on the floor in front of you, inside your feet.
  • Jump to extend your feet back and get into a plank position.
  • To increase the intensity, perform a push-up by lowering your chest toward the floor, then rising back up into a plank position.
  • Jump to bring your feet toward your hands, returning to a squat position.
  • Explode upward into a vertical jump, raising your arms overhead. Land gently, bending your knees slightly to absorb the shock.
  • Immediately return to the squat position and continue with the next burpee.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are an exercise that is simple, effective and easy to incorporate into any HIIT routine.

  • Start standing, feet together, arms at your sides.
  •  As you jump, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart while simultaneously raising your arms above your head. Your body should form an "X" shape at the highest point of the jump.
  • Jump again, bringing your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  • Continue repeating these movements at a rapid pace, making sure to keep your core engaged and landing softly, with your knees slightly bent to absorb the shock.

Jump squats

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight, chest lifted, and arms relaxed in front of you or at your hips.
  • Pretend as if you were going to perform a squat, until your thighs are parallel to the ground, or even breaking parallel.
  •  From the bottom position of the squat, propel yourself upward using the strength in your legs to perform an explosive jump. 
  • Landing is crucial to preventing injuries. When you land, do so gently, bending your knees to absorb the impact. Be careful that your knees do not collapse inward. The ideal is to land directly in the squat position to continue with the next squat jump.

Jumped lunges

  • Stand with your feet together. Keep your back straight and look forward.
  • As with regular lunges, step forward with one foot. Bend both knees to lower your hips toward the floor.
  • As you push back to the starting position, do a jump and land on the other leg.
  • Do the same thing with the leg you just landed on.

HIIT: how many times per week?

Doing HIIT has so many benefits that we would like to be able to do it as often as possible. However, it is dangerous to train without having enough rest between two sessions.

The importance of recovery

Recovery is just as important as the workout itself. This is the time when your body rebuilds, strengthens and improves. To achieve the best possible results with HIIT, it is essential to respect your body and give it the time it needs to recover.

Recovery between two sports sessions is essential. HIIT is a remarkably intense workout, and those unfamiliar with it may struggle to get the hang of it quickly. Both the cardiovascular system and the muscles are used intensely during these sessions. Exposing yourself to such effort without adequate rest is risky. Training insufficiently rested muscles can accelerate the depletion of energy stores and increase the risk of muscle damage.

Avoid overtraining

If there is a significant imbalance between your recovery time and your training frequency, then you are in a situation of overtraining, which will lead to a reduction in your performance, an increased risk of injury and a drop in morale.

It is therefore very important to recover well. Even though it can be frustrating, force yourself to recover and don't push yourself on the aches.

How often to train?

Your training frequency mainly depends on your physical condition. If you are new to HIIT, you will not be able to do a session several times a week. On the other hand, if you are experienced, you are able to carry out up to four sessions per week.

You would have understood it, your training pace is based on your recovery abilities

HIIT: at what time of the day?

There is no perfect time of day to work out. It mainly depends on your habits and your possibilities. However, working out in the morning or evening each has benefits that might interest you.

Do HIIT in the morning

  • increases your metabolism for the rest of the day, allowing you to burn more calories, even at rest;
  • stimulates energy;
  • improves focus and mental clarity for the day;
  • helps eliminate distractions or unexpected commitments that could disrupt a session planned later in the day;
  • improves mood;
  • reinforce the feeling of having achieved something during your day.

Do HIIT in the evening

  • allows you to benefit from a better body temperature;
  • allows you to eat before your session;
  • eliminates stress accumulated during the day;
  • promotes muscle growth and recovery.

If you want to know everything about the advantages and disadvantages of training in the morning or evening, we wrote an article that may interest you.

Programme HIIT perte de poids : rowing


HIIT is a workout that has many benefits, especially for weight loss. Regardless of your sporting level, you can adapt your circuit to create the ideal workout that will best meet your goals.

With HIIT, your best sports equipment is your body : Without equipment, you have plenty of bodyweight exercises that are very effective. To go further, you can include free weights and other equipment (jump rope, elastics) that will allow you to train with more intensity.

HIIT should be training tailored to you : its composition, the number of training sessions per week, the time of day… adapt your circuit according to your objectives.


Want to push your limits? Discover DRIP! Notre boot camp hybride associe le dynamisme du circuit training à l’intensité du HIIT pour vous proposer 50 minutes of an intense challenge.

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At DRIP, no downtime! You will be constantly moving to burn as many calories as possible!

Our goal ? Encourage you to give your all in a friendly and stimulating environment.

Whatever your sporting level, DRIP welcomes you with open arms.

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